
A community for senior citizens

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About Vayah Vikas

Driven by the philosophy of “by seniors, for seniors, of seniors”, the platform is focused on giving the seniors the charge of their wellness, well-being, & self-actualization so that they can build dignified lives.


The membership is only available to those over the age of 60.

Membership Registration

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Membership Benefits


Get expert legal advice and support, from simple issuance of legal communication


Improving one’s health and wellness should not stop at a predetermined age. Avail great concessions on healthcare services.


Get expert advice from our financial experts help you plan better on handling your retirement funds.


Empowering seniors by providing them with meaningful work opportunities for older adults.

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Community Engagement

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Vayah Vikas Family

Membership Plan

*Bangalore Only

₹199 Free

The membership plan covers all Vayah Vikas Services

Ongoing Offers

Know About Our

Founding Members

Mr. Senapathy "Kris" Gopalakrishnan

Co-founder of Infosys; Incubator of various Start-ups; Technology Thought Leader; Chairman of the Board of Governors of IIT, Bangalore

Dr. Devi Shetty

Chairman and Executive Director of Narayana Health; A cardiac surgeon with around 34 years of experience.

Dr. Alexander Thomas

Founder-Member and President of the AHPI. Founder-Member and President of the ANBAI. Has served the healthcare sector for over 30 years.

Ms. Gauri Kumar

Retired IAS, Former Secretary in the "Ministry of Labour and Employment" and "Ministry of Home Affairs" (Border Management)

Mr. Arun Seth

Trustee of the NASSCOM Foundation; Board Member of HelpAge India; Chairman & Co-Founder Global Groupware Solutions; Mentor for various Start-ups

Dr. Gridhar Gyani

Director-General, Association of Healthcare Providers (India); Ex elected director on board of International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua); Ex-Secretary General of Quality Council of India.

Dr. Srinath Reddy

President, Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and formerly headed the Department of Cardiology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

Nandimath Omprakash

Professor of Law (NLSIU); Chair Professor (HAL Defence Public Sector undertakings, Business Law)